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Posted by Omar2 - October 18th, 2010

v0.691 - quick fix
fixed Lucas PK cannonball yOffset (will not appear in floor when traveling left)
fixed bug which caused CPU players to continually crouch
during matches, most keys require the holding down of shift as well
attack hit boxes turn red when attacking instead of player hit box
in character select screen: when picking up token by pressing 'special', slot is set to human and character is cleared
FINALLY changed message button style (background and buttons)
in options, when changing Clear Sprites to After Match, clears all sprites from memory
added dodgeType button to rules, allowWaveDash removed (automatically allowed with MELEE dodgeType)
added toggle show playerCard button
when in 800x600, adding a player slot no longer creates creates an N/A button where the image_blend button is supposed to be
options button now appears in challenge menu
no longer crashes when holding a player token if slots are reduced below player number
add unload sprites after match to menu
only one smash ball label is white when smash ball frequency is 0 instead of when itself is 0
added 800x600 resolution
moved stageInteraction button
removed ModeButton in selectChar screen, replaced with objButton
fixed a bug where ai players still used joystick checks for controlled projectiles and lateMovement attacks
lower lvl cpus don't crouch as much
fixed bug where players using joysticks couldn't pick up items (changed upDownState check to a downState check when crouching)
during practice, players with joystick shows analog joypad instead of buttons
AI players will sometimes grab
added grab cancel (press block after grabbing)
added jumpDust, airJumpDust and flyDust effects
platforms only begin to move once round starts
if on ground, sprite_index is set to idle after an attack by default
cooldown for airDodge reduced from 12 to 8 for MELEE dodgeType
when players grab a ledge, they are invulnerable for a short time
all smashes now have safeEdge
added airHit sprite
springs give all air jumps back
if a player has multiple hitSprites and is hit, sprites should always change into another hitSprite if hit again
jumpCount no longer increases before attack (can no longer specialUp from ground and then again in the air)
when EggLayed, mashing causes the egg to jump around, flailing causes animation to speed up
can no longer crouch when grabbed someone (occurred when you hold down while grabbing)
when grabbed, can mash attack/special buttons or continually change directions to speed up recovery
AI will try to use finalSmash when they have the smashBall and they're about to die
jumping up through a platform no longer gives you all your jumps back
added elemental hitsprites (burned, electrocuted/shocked, frozen, dizzy/confused, sleepy,crushed) ; stage lava burns characters
added elementalType to attack objects ('fire', 'electric', 'ice', 'stun', 'sleep', 'crush')
added slowFall sprites
fixed the error that occurred every time a projectile hit a lightning item
removed some redundant coding in joystick and keyboard state functions
renamed all [character]Script.txt files to [character].script
added gender var to player obj which currently does absolutely nothing
added directionalTurn(direction1, direction2); returns 1 if counterclockwise difference, -1 if clockwise difference or 0 if same
added rotateOnDirection, rotateOnDirectionOnAppear for effects
effects that are following an object that have moveUp or moveDown now use yOffset to move up/down (eg ship in Samus Intro)
added multiSpeed, multiDirection, multiSpeedFrame to attackBox obj (for directed Fox, Pikachu specialUp): analog joysticks have a better control of direction
added pickUpItem var to objItem: for items that require pressing attack or crouching to use (ie Heart, HPTomato etc)
added to actionScript CHARINTRO
added yOffset to attackBox obj (fixes Ness, MetaKnight being in floor when using attackBox rotateDirection var)
removed extra attackBox obj creation when boosting with a projectile (Ness, Lucas)
added copyImageBlend var to effect obj
grabbing someone who's grabbing another no longer stops being grabbed too early (reset grabTimer)
effect objs can use strict follow
after grabbing a ledge, a player cannot move for 5 ticks and is invulnerable for up to 20 ticks (capped at 10 if they jump early)
corrected animationEnd detection in attackBox obj
removed suspendGravity in attackBox obj... already implemented in player obj
characters no longer freeze during attacks on last frame when chargeFrameEnd=INVALID
added wasAGrab var to attack obj
victims use grabber's holdDistanceX and Y
different holdDistanceX and Y for grabs and throws per frames
added to actionScript CUSTOMSCRIPT1, CUSTOMSCRIPT2 and CUSTOMSCRIPT3 for character specific scripts (ie Kirby)
added to actionScript HASALREADYLANDEDGRAB
add successFrame to attackBox obj to make a grabAttack end earlier (rather than show the full grab animation)
game no longer loops indefinitely when there are 0 platforms in a stage
removed suspendGravity from attackBox objs
added variable multiHitUnique to attackBox obj which allows multiFrame to have the same uniqueHitID (so multiHit and main attack can only hit for a total of 1 time) (eg Jigglypuff sleep)
optimized sprite loading (if multiple players choose the same character, sprites are only loaded once)
attack sound whiffFrame automatically set for attackFrameStart
projectile deathTimer no longer has to be an integer for autodeath<<<< may cause problems for indefinite projectiles???
throws now only hit grabbed player
added canMash and canFlail to attackBox obj and player obj
added to actionScript HASLANDEDATTACK in attackBox obj which allows scripting to occur for player
added to actionScript HASLANDEDGRAB in attackBox obj
added hitOnlyGrabbed var to attackBox in EndStep
added isAThrow var to attackBox (when true, in EndStep will end grab; when false will still hold grabbed player)
noSpriteChange: disables being hit any distance until hitTimer reaches 0 unless a throw (should already be in grab)
noHitDistance: disables being hit any distance until hitTimer reaches 0 unless a throw (should already be in grab)
noStunning: disables stunning as well as grabbing until hitTimer reaches 0 unless a throw (should already be in grab)
when a hit player is headed to the ground and has vspeed less than 0.8, lands on ground
added grabTime for attack obj when they are grabs
idleAnimSpeed correctly works
added airJump2AnimSpeed var to player obj
added getSprite(); basically saves a couple characters each time variable_global_get() is used
added TAUNT to actionScript (must be on ground: hold guard and press up)
newChallenge during match now uses same script as chooseChar menu
added grabbedInvisible to attack objects for grabs that make player invisible (ie Kirby, Yoshi)
hSpeedSet implemented for attack objects
added CUSTOMHIT actionScript, to allow scripting from one player applied to VICTIM (ie Yoshi's Egg Lay)
added var possible noFlash to player object; when true, when have starTimer, will not flash colours
move initialization variables to INITCHAR
in actionScript: RELEASESPECIAL changed to CHARSTEP
added INITCHAR actionScript
window no longer resizes itself
unloads background preview in stageSelection
fixed change from slowFall sprites to fallSprites
unloaded backTile during cleanUpMatch()
added canGuard var to player objects
added custom shield sprite (ie Yoshi)
un-commented coding in quitGame()
added isFinalSmash variable to player obj (keeps the finalSmash background effect, won't spawn smash ball)
added music to ryu stage
added LOSEALIFE in actionScript
in *.chr, allows sprite boxes to load previously loaded bounding boxes (ie idle sprite bounding boxes)
added button to unload all sprites except menu required ones after a match
all character sprites are put into a DS when they are first loaded
fixed objProjectile and objItem collision (thanks to Toro for reporting); had to do with a local script variable sharing the name of the with object variable (theAttack)
game no longer crashes when a single AI starts a match
added ability to have superState for characters (different set of idle/hit/walk/run animations) (ie Super Saiyan Goku, Kirby hats)
added ability to reset superState to 0 after die, or chance to lose superState after a hit
added several experimental stages (scripts are in Battlearena and Pinball)
allowStageInteractions is none changeable by user for challenges
Mushroom Tops updated graphics to New Super Mario Bros
Dreamland spawns leaves more efficiently
reduced appears of cars during morning rush hour on Onett
finalSmash projectiles are NOW unreflectable (thanks videocatbox)
Billy: added grab, throwFront, throwBack, throwAttack combo, throwSpecial combo; specialDown is now a counterAttack (when attacked within first 20 ticks of animation)
Bowser: added intro (thx TCLC), which uses actionScript;
CptFalcon: changed specialUp to work the way it should
Diddy: peanut popper no longer transparent after charging; explosion now transparent; added a 2nd hit sprite; intro uses actionScript;
DK: fixed ridiculous attack and attack2 hitBoxes; can now charge special in air; rises slightly higher with specialUp
Don: lengthened intro; has burned, frozen, electrocuted, crushed sprites; added grab, throwAttack, throwUp, throwDown, throwFront, throwBack
EWJim: has slowFall with appropriate animation; has burned, crushed, 3 taunt sprites
***Fox: added landmaster finalSmash; laser blaster does slightly more dmg; specialUp and specialSide have better effects;
Game&Watch: special spams slightly faster on ground, randomized image_speed; specialDown temporarily works like Ness and Lucas' specialDown until i finish implementing the true move
**Goku: special projectile scales up; finalSmash turns Goku into a Super Saiyan (stronger, slower smashes, new move (special)); added slowFall sprite; can also power up to reach Super Saiyan (hold special)
Jigglypuff: added intro (thx TCLC); separated specialUp effects; specialSide can destroy projectiles; added grab, throwAttack, throwUp, throwDown, throwFront, throwBack, 3 taunts
Ichigo: special and projectile can only hit once total; specialSide and projectile can only hit once total
***Kirby: tweaked specialUp physics and dmg (can hit 3 times); special now a primitive version of how it should be (can copy some powers); fixed airSpecial hitbox (was still using pre DS sprite hitbox); updated airSpecialSide and specialSide; has slowFall, burned, frozen, electrocuted, crushed, sleepy sprites; exported Kirby's specialDown move to folder; copying another plain kirby in October gives pumpkin suit that spits out high damaging candy that has no pushback or stun; in December gives santa hat and spits out candy that heals without stunning but has very high pushback
Lance: powerups have some life before being destroyed, powerups take slightly less damage from specials; slightly increased chance of powerups appearing; powerup coding more efficient; visual cue created when losing a powerup
Leo: has burned, frozen, electrocuted, crushed sprites; attack combo finisher always slowed airAttack or attackDown sprite; added grab, throwAttack, throwUp, throwDown, throwFront, throwBack
Link: added grab, throwBack
Lucas: starstorm projectiles are more reddish
Luigi: redid some attack hitBoxes
Mario: added 3rd hit sprite; has burned, electrocuted, crushed, dizzy, taunt sprites
MegaMan: realigned charging, slideTurn sprites; has burn, electrocuted, frozen sprites
MetaKnight: no longer appears in the ground when using special; intro cape uses actionScript; added Burned, Electrocuted, Crushed, Frozen, Dead (not used yet) sprites
Mike: realigned runAttack sprite; has burned, frozen, electrocuted, crushed sprites; added grab, throwAttack, throwUp, throwDown, throwFront, throwBack
**Naruto: added Naruto Fox Demon FinalSmash; airSpecial knives scale to player
Ness: no longer appears in the ground when using specialUp and hitting self; once Ness' specialUp projectile hits him, the projectile's direction no longer is set to 0 during fade out; starstorm projectiles are bluish; has burn sprite
Pikachu: added intro (thx TCLC); fixed projectile being upside down when it was moving left
Pimple: added intro (thx TCLC); has crushed sprite; modified specialSide physics, also can now destroy projectiles; added grab, 2 throwAttacks
Pit: added slowFall sprite
Raph: has burned, frozen, electrocuted, crushed sprites; added grab, throwAttack, throwUp, throwDown, throwFront, throwBack
Rash: has crushed sprite
Samus: charging special is done differently; charging sprites realigned; shot starts at a smaller size; intro uses actionScript
Sonic: added frozen sprite, taunt
Tails: can no longer guard and hold charge special; added frozen, slowFall sprites; updated Jump2 sprite
***Yoshi: added shield sprite, SuperDragon finalSmash; improved shell sprite for intro, lengthened intro; guarding and rolling; tweaked specialSide sprite alignment, physics & dmg; special now a primitive version of how it should be; added grab, throwAttack, throwFront, throwBack, throwUp, throwDown; specialDown projectile no longer spawns right away, specialDown and projectile can only hit once total; fixed bug where ai would be able to use final smash attack when not with final smash
Zitz: added intro (thx TCLC); special sprite belt added (thx TCLC); has crushed sprite; added grab, throwAttack, throwUp, throwBack; realigned airAttackUp
Dreamland: blow animation stops but wind continues for 10 more ticks; leaves sometimes rotate
added Ryu Temple

respawn invulnerability slightly reduced from 110 to 90 ticks (about 3 seconds)
added running dust
when someone has a smash ball, background will go darker; turn this off by turning off background effects
***ADDED Tails
smashBalls last twice as long before disappearing; low appearance has less chance to spawn smashBall
items begin to fade earlier, giving players a better hint when the item will disappear, also will alpha flash
-stage scripts-
removed objRoad that was only being used in Onett, uses Effect objects instead
conveyor platforms fixed
can no longer airDodge while ledge grabbing
**added stage projectiles
projectiles should be destroyed as far as players can walk off screen
projectiles can travel in sin waves using theVWave variable
graphics given it's own section in save/load file
added objDrawBehindPlatforms
***fixed critical error while auto fixing bounding box of idle sprites
PRELOAD, STEP, UNLOAD now constants
stage projectiles have pNum = -2; playerHit() edited to allow -2 as a pNum, as well as player deaths
using theSpeed and theDirection fixed
added unreflectable var to objProjectile
added allowStageInteractions to selectStage menu
added showDamage to options menu
clicking close button exits game without saving or any dialogue boxes
added score indicator button to chooseCharOptions (+1 score or +1 insertComment)
removed itemsAllowed variable since itemFrequency is the same
added customSky button to options menu
old backgrounds are deleted after successfully adding new ones
remembers window position, window will no longer auto center before match, menu and match results
blue POW blocks are smaller than red to show they are weaker
added apple; restores 2hp
added peaches; restores 5hp
items appear behind players (greater depth)
no longer hit during chargeSpecial, invisible projectiles or a full multiHit attack
Smash Ball shrinks when hit instead of Effect created above it
*ADDED lightning item (shrinks all enemies)
-match changes-
multihits are chargable as well
all final smashes require button to be INSTANTPRESSed (holding down the button will not work)
POW blocks now work again (attackBox endStep ignored when animation ended with a pixel sprite)
object_rank() gains more function; added notes to object_rank()
added postAttackVSpeed, postAttackHSpeed, postAttackHSpeedSupplement, postAttackVSpeedSupplement to attackBox (postAttackVSpeed = on successful hit, will use this vspeed)
***smash balls can be hit out of players, the more damage, the better chance to hit smash ball out
when checking for finalSmash, game will now take into account a player with finalSmash as well as spawned Smash Ball items
chargingVSpeed fixed (had to comment out maxVSpeed=theVSpeed)
sunsets should be less laggy
added DRAW event for stageScripts
lava knockback, damage is determined by script
Dreamland: wind blows players based on distance; tree has animated face; leaves show up to show wind direction and strength; updated thumbnail
Village: all top walls removed to allow easier kills
Onett: stage resized smaller; cars appear, can hit players; frequency depends on time of day; updated thumbnail
PlanetZebes: visible lava moves up and down; speed depends on time of day
Norfair: visible lava moves up and down slower than PlanetZebes, does not stay in place as long; speed depends on time of day
PeachCastle2: Banzai Bills spawn infrequently, high damage, slow movement, no knockback; damage depends on time of day
KingdomII: water is animated, animated plant heads
Cliffs: animated plant heads; animated falconHeadDoor
Lylat: top long platform broken into 3 pieces (like game)
YoshiIsland3: added FlyGuys to background
Bowser: special no longer reflectable; added Hit2 sprite
Game&Watch: specialUp crew correctly freezes on last frame
Goku: special no longer reflectable
Kirby: airAttackDown uses postAttackVSpeed
Link: airAttackDown uses postAttackVSpeed, can pogo, hitBox moved 5 pixels toward center; increased specialUp cooldown; specialUp chargable when onGround; special projectile physics changed
Luigi: specialDown uses postAttackVSpeed
Mario: finalSmash projectile moves in a wave
Peach: special hearts ignore walls; finalSmash puts grounded enemies to sleep, creates 12 peachs that heal 5hp
Pimple: specialUp physics modified; finalSmash physics modified
Snake: can smashUp mortar higher through charging; specialDown shows correct sprite for planting c4
Sonic: new airSpecial
Yoshi: airSmashDown will use meteor smash, airDown will use foot windmill; airDown uses postAttackVSpeed
Zitz: fixed attackDown purple background

added cursor dead zone constant (making joystick more sensitive in menu screens)
joystick button config now saves properly (and therefore also loads correctly)
during matches, tapping down on a jumpThrough platform correctly jumps down instead of jumping up
press button 9 to change handness of cursor (left/right hand)
ADDED x position for joystick to determines if player is walk speed
analog joysticks cursor move speed is determined by x and y stick positions
mouse cursor returns to normal when 2 slots or 12 slots are selected in character select
added portrait scrolling in main menu
changed next and back arrow sprites
*added Custom Background button to options
*added Choose Character Options
removed objects: theLimitButton, decreaseLimit, increaseLimit, limiterLevel
when a cursor right clicks to pick up token, does nothing (must expand player slots)
cursor right clicking on any buttons in selectChar no longer picks up tokens
using selectChar Brawl Theme, team battle now use colour cards
in the rules menu, setting jumps to 0 disables jumping (but not special up)
load bar backgrounds have some red to be more similar to splash logo
adding cursors for menu screens (moved with same buttons as player controls); cursors can press buttons, use player token; move faster with higher resolutions
**fixed crippling error in select stage when stages were locked
***always displays version number at the bottom right of the menu
middle clicking hardAI button will set all other players to the same state as the current pressed one
made objButton the parent of objects: selectHMN,selectTeam,changeName
middle clicking selectHMN makes all other slots match current slot
Displays 'debug mode' at the bottom left when in debug mode
moved buttons in stage select screen so they don't overlap the stage selects
grayed out options not valid in options screen (pan sound grayed when sound is off etc.)
panSounds button can now be right clicked
char portraits in character select scale up with resolution
stage icons in stage select scale up with resolution
fixed placement of buttons in select stage screen
while in splash screen, draws all sprites loaded (script in ImportChar())
game takes MUCH less memory than older versions, stock icons no longer load during splash screen
players cast shadows, toggable in options menu
***ADDED the remaining Battletoads: Zitz and Pimple
Diddy can still purposely cancel from charging special into another special move
shadow image_alpha max now based on stage time (morning, sunset, etc)
shadow position determined by closest platform (object_ranking) if not onGround
shadows and offscreen mini correctly display, moved several things from step event to step end event
shadows don't stutter on platforms moving up/down (was ignoring platform being stood on by player) (step event script moved to begin step event)
will now die if invulnerable and fall down into lava pit stages (since lava won't hit you)
**ADDED moving platforms, sticky platforms
*players now take hoop damage (when in magnifying glass icon, will take 1% dmg per second) when off screen, will randomly be KOd if have higher than 150dmg
only 1 smash ball will appear on the stage at a time (unless disabled in rules)
player guard shield orbs are drawn by objDrawAbovePlayer
player shadows are drawn by objDrawBehindPlayer; now work well with sloped paths
added clouds to sunsets
can no longer hold special for many of the special attacks, must release and press again (Samus, MegaMan, Pit, Link, Lance)
smash ball takes 150% more damage from special attacks compared to regular attacks
when jump button is changed: will no longer use both 1st and 2nd jump counts, can use short hop (tap jump) and regular jump (hold)
updated smash ball sprite
when playing single player, will show buttons being pressed
when a player walks off screen, a miniature icon is drawn
played around with time colours; time flashes red and maroon during last 15 seconds
AI will jump up left/right walls smarter
during debug mode, players have limited control over ai players
practise mode (1 player only) shows speed, hspeed and vspeed
big hit sparks are less likely to appear on other big hit sparks
--gameplay scripts--
removed attack sounds play for introSprites
added collision_line_point() from http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?sho wtopic=400328 Thanks to general sirhc
platforms moved to a depth further behind objDrawBehindPlayer so shadows can be drawn on top of stage created platforms
removed particles that appeared during charging (but sparks still remain)
added chargeSparks for chargable attacks so attacks can have sparks not appear
*Each stage can now have stageScripts which run during preload, step and unloading periods
added stageAlias to stageData
showLockedChars correctly works
renamed global.tempX to global.theArgument0 in character scripts
during timed matches (without any stock limitations), the Melee GUI will now show 1 stock icon
effect follow more precisely
removed human check for Joystick_States() and Keyboard_States() since they only go in here during correct times
added 5 hitIDs to players; added lastHitID array
jumpState added so now draw button works in practice
able to have intro sprites for characters (Ness, MegaMan, Mario, Luigi, Don, Richter, MetaKnight, Snake, Samusx2, Diddy, EWJim, GameWatch, Yoshi)
removed canLoad var from scripts
**REMOVED character ActionScripts, should splash load faster
***IMPLEMENTED script_add(filename); new coding in ActionScript, InitializePlayer, Destroy Event for _PlayerParent
refixed camera when autoZoom is turned off in a small room
getGroundSpawn only checks for ground and not player position, (meaning items can spawn near players)
*ADDED object_rank script (much faster than for loop) from http://studioeres.com/games/category/3 /10
use of object_rank in AICommands and projectile step for homing projectiles
player objects now have theActionScript index, which loads player step scripts from file
Effect object now have destroyOnAnimationEnd variable
players with stars drop sparkles (looks more like mario with star in super mario world)
fixed critical error in AI where projectile spamming was depending on x position of player(the more right of the screen the target was, the more the comp would spam)
guard coding for playerHit() moved after checking of valid attack
attacks will slightly push players guarding
*being attacked while guarding will decrease your guardTimer much less
match starts right away when practicing (<=1 player)
Congo Jungle: 2 rotating platforms
Kingdom II: got magic carpet bird
PeachCastle2: moved objects and castle down 1 pixel
PeachCastle1: moving platform, ledges removed
PlanetZebes: moving platform
Saffron City: 2 moving platforms
Mario Bros: pipes no longer block top and bottom section
Ninja Academy: 3 moving platforms
Emerald Hill Zone: 2 moving platforms
Highway: 2 moving platforms
Billy: specialSmashUp works slightly different than specialUp
Bowser: added ledgeGrab
CptFalcon: special cooldownTimer increased to 10 from 8 and warmupTimer increased to 2 from 1
Diddy: specialSide has 1 less invulnerable frame
DK: added ledgeGrab
Fox: specialDown physics modified; chargable specialDown
Goku: finalSmash attacks for more frames; special no longer moves up when colliding with the floor
Jiggly: special is chargable
Lance: tapping attack now shoots faster than holding special
Leo: finalSmash can now fly around
Link: each finalSmash projectile hits multiple times; modified smashSide and smashDown movements
Lucas: finalSmash warmupTimer increased; added sounds; changed altPortrait; chargable specialDown
Mario: specialUp given a multiVSpeedMin; airAttackDown projectile correctly scales, spawned in correct ycoor; changed altPortrait; new finalSmash animation; specialSide chargable
MetaKnight: fixed runAttack sprite
Naruto: projectiles correctly scales
Ness: finalSmash warmupTimer increased; updated and added sounds; chargeable specialDown
Pit: specialDown pushes players away; specialSide is chargable
Raph: used autoContrast on altPortrait; finalSmash can now fly around
Ryu: projectile correctly scales
Samus: projectile correctly scales; slower roll
Sora: each finalSmash projectile hits multiple times
Yoshi: specialDown projectile correctly scales, spawned in correct ycoor; added LedgeGrab

attackable items can now be hit by projectiles and multiHit attacks
*implemented safeEdge for AttackBox objects
cannot grab ledges while doing finalSmash
roll cooldown increased 1 tick from 4 to 5
maxblocktimer increased from 60 to 80 (will be higher once throws are eventually implemented)
movementModifier=0 works with attacks on ground
added flight to attackBox obj for chars like Pit airSpecialUp, Sonic finalSmash
added Smash Ball Frequency to rules
added resolution button to options (only works in menus though, matches are just resized up)
ratio variable added to cameraScript to accomodate widescreens
removed the not working 'endOnGroundProjectile' var from attackBox End step (already have a working appearOnGround var in projectile object)
fixed appearOnGround projectiles appearing in air bug
fixed collision ignoring walls to the right of the player when not moving horizontally
removed EmptyPortrait2 from sprite list
*started implementation of final smashes (however will not be available until all characters have a final smash move)
True Final Smash:(Mario,Lance,Ness,Lucas,Bowser,H ayabusa,Samus,Richter,CptFalcon,Jiggly ,Sonic,Pit,MegaMan,Diddy,Ryu,Pikachu,M ike,Don,Leo,MetaKnight)
Placeholder Final Smashes:(Peach,GameWatch,Billy,Fox,Jim ,Snake,Luigi,Naruto,DK,Goku,Raph,Link,
added copyScale to AttackBox object
*Added Richter Belmont from Castlevania
Diddy: specialUp correctly increases jumpCount; fixed error msg theProjectile.theVSpeed not existing (due to weird bug with not placing a semicolon after an array attribute ie theArray[number].attribute=newAttribut e;) - thanks Sonicx2i4eve and all else who posted this error
Fox: shooting animation speed is much faster
Cpt Falcon: faster roll; airSpecialSide is raptor boost (ground specialSide still laser gun)
Pikachu: added 8Bit sprite - thanks Albert Wikowonkavitz
Samus: better quality projectile sprite
Sora: added 8Bit FF sprites - thanks Albert Wikowonkavitz for idea
-sky backdrop-
sunset has various oranges
bandaid fix for falling through platform on Planet Zebes (platforms now 'push' up players in their step event)
added mini Left and Right walls; fixing MarioBros stage
removed extensions for stage files, automatically tries gif, png, bmp, jpg (in that order), like character sprites are being imported
*Added WygolVillage from Castlevania
hitting lava will first place you on top of lava, now has a minimum speed to be shot up
thumbnails no longer preloaded
fixed misalignment in far left of HyruleCastle
fixed Dark Link challenge always failing - thanks Sonicx2i4eve
fixed challenges using global rules settings - thanks Sonicx2i4eve
fixed yoshi challenge spawn point
removed some coding for Ninja Turtles, Ryu Hayabusa - thanks Albert Wikowonkavitz
*added Smash Ball button to rules
added change resolution in options (only really works in menu)
fix menu button positions (messed when not 1024x768 resolution)

*Added Sora from Kingdom Hearts, starts unlocked
*Added Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden, must be unlocked by completing the Ninja Nightmare challenge
*Added Lucas from Mother/EarthBound series, starts unlocked
added all Turtles to regular Smash Bros Rumble; "COWABUNGA"
fixed problem with LinkScript when he performed AttackSide, called player1's script (since forgot [pNum])
changed TMNT logo to old tv version
Billy: cleaned up some dark pixels; jump speed reduced; has a tendency to throw knives downward
CptFalcon: added attack grunts, airAttackSide; reduced maxAirSpeed
Diddy: added 8Bit sprites (DK Jr); fixed error msg when pressing special (shooting peanut popper) in air
Don: special spawns projectile at 3 slightly different heights; properly recoloured jump2 sprite
Fox: added attack grunts; fixed specialSide effect not scaling; specialSide effect will disappear when attack is interrupted/ended
Goku: jump speed reduced
Ichigo: specialDown modified; slightly bigger


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